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It looks very polished! I had a hard time advancing, really challenging even on easy mode! Maybe I'm just bad haha

I really liked the wand thingy, great choice of weapons, though I admit the sword felt too weak.

My beta testers were always saying the game was too easy, so I might have tuned the difficulty up a bit, my bad bro ahahah That's one thing I've come to realise this jam, game balance is hard. Thanks for giving it a go and for leaving your feedback, it helps a ton!

This game has a lot of attention to detail, especially on the visuals and animations. The addition of 2 languages is a great game jam flex as well. I liked the general combination of mechanics that you chose.

It felt a bit like using the sword attack was a poor strategy for any occasion? At least for as far as I made it through the game. There's a lot of room for polish, like adding sounds and visuals to moments like the player levelup, and other game actions, but that would come with more time.

Great job!

In the beginning I had envisioned to make the sword the ultimate weapon, able to one shot everything in the game due to its lacking range compared to the other weapons. But ended up rounding up the numbers so anyone could choose their own playstyle and not feel obliged to use a certain meta. And I agree with you there is a lot of room to improvements maybe in the near future, I'd love to add a status UI screen, a save and load system, stuff like that, which adds a bit more of polish. Thank you for your feedback, so glad you liked it!

Very magical and immersive! 

I was surprised when the ghosts suddenly started shooting bullet hell at me the first time haha, usually I expect beginning monsters to be free kills. It was very rewarding to dodge and slay them though

Thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts and for having played the game! It means a lot. In the beginning I added a few non-attacking slimes, that only damaged you if you collided with them, but ended up removing them, so you couldn't farm for upgrades that easily

Very cute! Thank you for building and sharing. It felt like a real love letter to Link to the Past and many other retro fantasy ancestors.

Thank you so much! This comment just made my day!

(1 edit)

Hey!! Está TOP, Parabéns!! 😁

Heya! Long time no see! Muito mas muito obrigado, vindo de ti conta muito!